
Conveyor Cleaning brushes

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We manufacture a complete range of conveyor cleaning brushes, motors and mountings to clean conveyor systems and conveyor belts.  They can be manufactured to suit different environments such as heat resistance and food grade for ie. ovens, food production, bakery and seafood as well as aggressive and durable for ie. building materials, engineering, warehousing etc.
Conveyor cleaning brushes are either close-wound brushes or an open faced spiral (auger style or archimedes screw). The amount of aggression required to clean along with the type of conveyor system, determines the type and style of brush.

Brushes may be replaceable or refilled dependent on the diameter and weight of the brush and the cost of logistics for shipping and carriage.


There are several things to consider when thinking about a new brush conveyor cleaning system.

Diameter and Width:  The free area where the cleaning system will be placed determines the size of the brush.

Size of Fill Material:  The type of conveyor and the amount of production remnant that is adhered to the track will determine the size of material be it wire, synthetic or a mixture of both which combines both scrubbing and sweeping at the same time.

Density: Close wound brushes (giving a solid face) or open spirals offer different cleaning options dependent on the amount of aggression required to clean.

Speed: Brushes generally operate in the opposing direction to the belt therefore careful consideration needs to be determined when using a non variable speed motor.